Chinese-English Technical Terms
Over 3 million entries
Over 60 domains, mostly science and technology
Constantly expanded and proofread
The Chinese-English Database of Technical Terms (CETERM) is a comprehensive database of over 2.9 million entries covering a broad spectrum of about 60 fields in the major domains of science and technology, ideally suited for MT and NLP applications.
CETERM is available either as a full package or as domain-specific modules, such as IT, chemistry, and medicine. Available also are the English-Chinese modules, so that the total number of entries is nearly six million entries. If you require a specific subdomain, please contact us for samples.
Principal Domains
170,000 entries
Civil Engineering
45,000 entries
74,000 entries
Mechanical Engineering
76,000 entries
74,000 entries
57,000 entries
* Select one of the tabs below.
No. | English | Chinese | Entries | Chinese Unique |
1 | Accounting | 会计学 | 3,462 | 3,355 |
2 | Administration | 行政学 | 1,869 | 1,865 |
3 | Aerospace | 航空航天 | 134,538 | 117,526 |
4 | Agriculture | 农业学 | 19,487 | 17,139 |
5 | Animal Science | 畜牧学 | 11,004 | 10,619 |
6 | Astronomy | 天文学 | 15,292 | 14,254 |
7 | Automobile | 汽车 | 4,705 | 4,542 |
8 | Biology | 生物学 | 56,685 | 47,222 |
9 | Biotechnology | 生化学 | 21,825 | 18,797 |
10 | Chemical Engineering | 化工 | 172,700 | 149,585 |
11 | Chemistry | 化学 | 73,826 | 65,603 |
12 | Chinese Herbs | 中草药 | 1,238 | 1,229 |
13 | Civil Engineering | 土木 | 44,599 | 40,081 |
14 | Computer & IT | 计算机 | 171,575 | 156,867 |
15 | Construction | 建筑 | 81,500 | 74,122 |
16 | Ecology | 生态学 | 5,213 | 4,916 |
17 | Economics & Finance | 经济金融 | 40,596 | 37,749 |
18 | Education | 教育学 | 5,585 | 5,411 |
19 | Electric Engineering | 电器工学 | 93,148 | 84,518 |
Domain | Chinese | Pinyin | English |
economics & finance | 一级风险 | yī jí fēng xiǎn | primary risk |
economics & finance | 一组定价 | yī zǔ dìng jià | Block booking |
economics & finance | 一致决 | yī zhì jué | Unanimity |
economics & finance | 一致性 | yī zhì xìng | Coherence |
economics & finance | 一致性 | yī zhì xìng | Consistency |
economics & finance | 一致性 | yī zhì xìng | uniformity |
economics & finance | 一致性估计量 | yī zhì xìng gū jì liàng | Consistent estimator |
economics & finance | 一致收敛 | yī zhì shōu liǎn | Uniform convergence |
economics & finance | 一致最有效检定 | yī zhì zuì yǒu xiào jiǎn dìng | Uniformly most powerful test |
economics & finance | 一致的信念 | yī zhì de xìn niàn | Consistent belief |
economics & finance | 一致的拒绝交易 | yī zhì de jù jué jiāo yì | Concerted refusal to deal |
economics & finance | 一致的臆测均衡 | yī zhì de yì cè jūn héng | Consistent conjectures equilibrium |
economics & finance | 一致的臆测概念 | yī zhì de yì cè gài niàn | Consistent conjectures concept |
economics & finance | 一致统计量 | yī zhì tǒng jì liàng | consistent statistic |
economics & finance | 一致行动 | yī zhì xíng dòng | acting in concert |
economics & finance | 一致顺序估计 | yī zhì shùn xù gū jì | Consistent order estimation |
economics & finance | 一般业务 | yī bān yè wù | general business |
economics & finance | 一般业务基金 | yī bān yè wù jī jīn | general operating fund |
economics & finance | 一般业务费用 | yī bān yè wù fèi yòng | general operating expense |
Chinese | Pinyin | English |
A类纤维 | A lèi xiān wéi | A fibers |
A滤光镜 | A lǜ guāng jìng | A filter |
阻力 | zǔ lì | a fronte vis |
一次机能试验 | yī cì jī néng shì yàn | a function test |
胃管 | wèi guǎn | a gastric tube |
A组染色体 | A zǔ rǎn sè tǐ | A group chromosome |
喉科指掌 | hóu kē zhǐ zhǎng | A Guidebook of Laryngology |
血红蛋白A | xuè hóng dàn bái A | A hemoglobin |
表土层 | biǎo tǔ céng | a horizone |
婴童百问 | yīng tóng bǎi wèn | A Hundred Questions About Infants and Children |
主动脉瓣关闭不全 | zhǔ dòng mài bàn guān bì bù quán | A insuf |
A同族凝集素 | A tóng zú níng jí sù | A isoagglutinin |
A同族抗体 | A tóng zú kàng tǐ | A isoantibody |
A同族抗原 | A tóng zú kàng yuán | A isoantigen |
A同族血凝素 | A tóng zú xuè níng sù | A isohemagglutinin |
颈静脉搏动波 | jǐng jìng mài bó dòng bō | a jugular venous pulse wave |
一公斤违禁药 | yī gōng jīn wéi jìn yào | a kilogram of illicit drug |
翠 | cuì | a kind of green jade |
A导联 | A dǎo lián | A lead |
Practical Applications
CETERM has been used by some of the world’s leading IT companies for a wide variety of applications and software products, such as:
Machine translation
Greatly enhanced translation quality
Morphological analysis
Casio’s EX-word series and Sharp’s Brain series
Mobile dictionary apps
Such as our own apps for Android and iOS
Natural language processing tools
Like morphological analyzers and tokenizers
Reference Documents
Related Resources

Chinese-Japanese Technical Terms
Chinese-Japanese technical terms covering 20 domains

Japanese-English Technical Terms
Japanese-English technical terms covering 20 domains

Korean-Japanese Technical Terms
Korean-Japanese technical terms covering 20 domains